Friday, October 17, 2014


We`ve been dining at this restaurant since last year (see post here). So when bessy bong ask me to recommend a good place last weekend for his bday treat for us, this comes to mind right away.

Im not sure whats wrong with me whenever I go to buffet restaurant with an empty stomach... I would always, as in always  made a rookie mistake by gorging on the buffet items which limited the amount of space that I had in my belly to eat all the glorious beef though. FAIL. 

The meat was very delish:

it was seasoned perfectly! i feel like they use better quality meat here. and very fresh too! none of that greyish looking raw meat, but red delicous raw meat ready to be grilled!

Another thing i really like about this place is that someone is always rotating to come to your table to help you flip and grill your meat, and they ask if you would like anymore and what else would you like as side orders (included in the price). LITERALLY, we didnt have to press the call button because they kept coming to our table almost every 15 min or so! 

Happy Birthday bes... Thanks for this uber delish treat !!!



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