Thursday, June 12, 2014


Ever since i set foot at Tokyo Disneyland in 2005, the inner child in me promised thyself to one day see all of Disneyland location around the world. In my bucket of bucket list, there are only 2 locations left to be explored...... Paris and HK. So last December, being with kids and the kids at heart , we explore HK Disneyland...

If you've been to other disneyland location like Disney World in Florida or Tokyo Disneyland and Sea..... HK disneyland will disappoint you in terms of size  and rides. It is somewhat overrated being  Disney. But kids will still be kids and will only care for Mickey and Disney princesses. Nothing is too big or small for them as long as these characters are there.

With all that said, HK disneyland being Disney still lives up to being the happiest place on earth regardless of it being the smallest among all other Disney locations around the globe...

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