Sunday, October 26, 2014

MK shabu shabu Shinjuku

After that big time disappoinment of not being able to get a table at dancing crab (see post here), our angel of the night, Pao and jec brought us here instead.

Their goma and ponzu sauce is full of flavor and the taste is on point. Shabu shabu after all is all about the dipping sauce, so its really important that that sauces are not watery, over salty or bland.
The meat, the vegies and the seafoods are absolutely amazing. The sweet spicy korean broth is a bomb.... love it love it love it... I like my broth spicy like that.

And most of all i came here for an imprumptu meetup with my girlfriends who never fails to make a gloomy evening light up with their bubbly and funny personalities... 

Shabu shabu here is by far the best ive ever had... hands down. 

3-13-3 Shinjuku, Shinjuku, Tokyo 


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