Sunday, June 22, 2014

Gourmet treats for Dogs

Last weekend hubby  insisted that we check the new pet mall annex which is on the same mall where mushee is having his weekly dog play dates. .  It was a hot day, I thought, why not pop in for a little air-conditioning for us both.

What a lovely surprise awaited us inside.  A full-on doggie bakery and gourmet goodness with adorable treats in the big case.  Mushee paced back and forth a few times in front of the bakery case, deciding on a squirrel cookie and a bikini girl cookie.  Makes sense for a boy dog, eh?

Human-grade ingredients, all listed so you can see what you're buying.  And a lovely lady behind the counter.  And Mushee who normally doesn't like most dog cookies, even the cute ones - LOVED them.  He devoured the squirrel head first, and bit the bikini girl in half.

We will definitely be back.  Fantastic experience and really nice store.  And a very cute version of the famous black velvet Dogs Playing Poker in the window.
Aeon Mall Makuhari

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