Monday, October 10, 2011


Dearest Yan,

Disclaimer: nosebleed ahead!!!!hehehe

I wanted to write this letter to you. Hopefully it is something you will read with a smile, and keep along for a very long time. You have been in our lives since adolescence and since college. Yet with you we feel we can be our authentic self, which is the litmus test for best friendedness, in our book at least... hehehhe. There is little we have to explain to you for you to get us and vice versa...

I know that you haven’t always been able to be yourself with others, sometimes because you didn’t know who you was, or sometimes because you feared on the thought of being too close.... But with us you can be whatever you wanna be coz
we just love you for you.

Today as I think about you, I started to think of you and began to cry. But they were happy tears, for in us (me and doc) you have found an ally; In us you have a protector,and in our arms is the safest place you can be next to God and your family. We are here to rescue you from your pains, struggles, disappointments and hurts; we will try to rescue you from always being weary; will also try to answer all your life questions the best way we can.

This letter is a lot shorter than I would like it to be, but sometimes words can not describe things that are ordinarily felt. I know you already know most of this anyway so do you really need telling? hehehhehehe...

There is little left to say except that we love you. I miss how you say “Not even that…,” your laugh, how you talk on and on and on, the way you pose questions. I guess only one of you truly knows me as a crybaby, but I sit here in tears, both of joy at having you beautiful women(u and doc) in my life, and at the immense sadness at not being closer, of not having your eyes to gaze into, your voice not distorted by wireless signals.

Our friendship is a miracle itself.. a blessing.. a strength that enables you to go on along any bumpy road knowing things will be just fine, because at the end of the day, you know you have someone like me and doc who cares about you no matter what happens… or what wrong you may have done in some aspect of your life....

love you neng....

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