My Darling mother,
Ma… you are the world to us. Regardless of how much I may or may not look like you, my insides are all because of you. hahahaha Yes, I might have some of you in me from birth, but everything since then has meant so much more. I’m already picking up things from you that make me who I am. Mostly I’m picking up the best and funny stuff about you. Don’t feel guilty about what you aren’t doing or what you wish you were doing better. You’re so incredible at what you’re already doing. Nobody loves me like you. Your love comes out in hundreds of ways every day, too many for me to count, which is good because I can’t count so good yet. hahahahaha
You love us even though we don’t act like we love you all the time. Thats brutal love...But here’s the thing. I do love you. I don’t know how to say it enough yet and maybe I never will but you need to know how much I love you. There’s just something special about it. You’re my mother! Nothing more… and nothing less. But that’s all that counts to me.

Thanks for all you put up with to make sure I’m well-fed, clean & dressed. Those little tasks could be so menial and degrading but somehow you have the humility to do them day in and day out when I was small. You put up with so much to teach me the right way to do things, to learn all the things I need to learn before I go to school. Most of everything important I learn in life I’ll have learned from you before I ever go to class with some other teacher: that I am loved by the people who know me best, that the world is a place that we need to be safe in but more than anything it’s a fun place, that reading is a great way to learn and something fun to do together, that friends are important, that siblings should be respected and loved, that toys aren’t as important as relationships, that sharing helps everyone, that saying you are sorry is hard but nothing is more admirable, that you’re proud of me for who I am more than what I do, that the way I look on the outside is less important than the attitude I have on the inside, that making funny faces will always be funny, that there is a God that loves me too, that He loves me so much. You taught me the most important stuff of life. You were my greatest teacher.

I could go on forever about you…and your funny acts and for the rest of my life no one will be able to talk about you in my presence without me coming to your defense or without me singing your praises. You mean so much to me.
Thank you so much for all you have done and will continue to do in raising me! Happy Birthday!!!