Wednesday, August 24, 2011


This post is  for the two closest friends in my life... whose going through something now..

If all else fails, go out for an ice cream :). So, what do you do to keep cool on board?

1. It's easy to dramatize and make something a bigger deal than it is. When you are relating the problem to yourself, avoid the urge to magnify the negative. SO KEEP YOUR COOL.... with an ICE CREAM

2. Reflect on times when you were able to successfully stay calm in a frustrating situation. Maybe it was a time when you wanted to yell at someone but then the doorbell rang and you were able to instantly shift gears. Consider that you might be able to do this repeatedly, as long as you know your triggers – and some tips for keeping a calm mindset..... KEEP YOUR COOL... with an ICE CREAM

3. Let go of resentment. This doesn’t mean believing what the other person did was right or justified; it means you stop wasting your energy staying mad and understand all the disadvantages of doing so. If an apology is offered, accept it and avoid dwelling on the wrong that was done. and most of all KEEP YOUR COOL .... with loads of ICE CREAM

And lastly,

It is so easy to get caught up in living a life where we you just go around in circles and never feel like you both are making any head way in your lives.  The reality is if we don’t know where “north” is we will default to living a life that goes around in circles.  Through Jesus, God points to all of humanity and basically says, “this is the way; this is true North.”  In being a follower of Jesus we are invited to live a life that doesn’t go in circles but a life that is going somewhere; heading “true north.”  May you be both the kind of person that doesn’t chase your own tail but instead goes somewhere today following the one that points you “true north”. 

At the end of this all just KEEP your COOL with an ICE CREAM

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