Thursday, February 7, 2013

MUSHEE- My Maltese Terrier

I used to hate DOGS  and swore that Ill never have a DOG.. but everything changed when Mushee arrives... I was converted to being a dog lover overnight.

 My Mushee is almost 10 months old and already, I can't imagine life without him.

He loves  ice creams, tacos, and beef jerky strips. His communication is remarkable - as if to have some part of his brain that knows exactly what to tell me or what I am telling him. Mushee will always alert me when he has to go out by an unusual sneeze-type behavior while jumping around on the floor

 If he wants his morning breakfast, a beef liver mix, he will run back and forth from wherever I am to the kitchen cabinet - as if to say, "come over here - it's my breakfast time!" can he hear that candy wrapper opening from 3 rooms away? He knows when I am opening the malt ball wrapper from the Halloween bucket and stares at me with teary eyes if I don't give him one. Since chocolate is not good for dogs, I am a loser either way - the guilt from his intentional tears or the guilt from feeding him chocolate....O.K. time for a Milk Bone. 

Then, he spits that out on his cage or goes to "bury" it as if to say, "I don't want a stinking Milk Bone, I want a Malt Ball."

It turns out that you can find a pet that brings you happiness, companionship, laughter, and joy even when you think they are just mere pets... but to me hes the  perfect pet. I love this little guy as much as I love my family...

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