Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Our 5th year in the so called Married Life

                                          thank you yani for this video

I have written all kinds of cheesy things about my husband , anniversary or not but I will keep on writing the same things... only better i guess coz if only i had known earlier that married life can be this close to perfect with him..... I could have said yes to him the moment i laid my eyes on him...

- TIMER. Like most couples, we also have fights pero believe it or not  its been his cardinal rule that fights should not last more than ramen's cooking time. yeah folks thats freaking 3- 5 minutes the most. And it works for us.
- Cuddle time. The best and most valuable time you can have with your husband. I love to cuddle. The feeling I get when I am wrapped so tightly in his arms. To know he wants nothing but to have me safe in them. He caressing me as we just lay there for hours not saying a word. My back press against his chest feels so comforting. And his rapid heartbeat slows down to the rhythm of mine. I love to hear his heart beating so loudly as if thunder is right in the mist of us. 
-  LAUGHTER. My husband is a born clown. I can laugh all day with him until my sides hurt. 
- Family/Friends. One thing about my husband that i admire the most is his extended love for my family and friends. My mom adore him like her own son. My brother look up to him and can bond with him like a friend. My friends loves his generosity and humor.

There is that special moment with someone where you don't have to say a word. Just being together holding each other is more than enough. How can something so simple just be so wonderful?  But it is, there is just something so fundamentally RIGHT about loving the right husband, the closeness, the comfort, the feeling of belonging, of being loved, cherished, held close, protected, snuggled safe and warm in someones arm..... just thinking about him makes me go all gooey inside, like melted chocolate!! YAY

Monday, January 30, 2012

Happy Birthday Yani!!! (LATE POST)

I SAY:.....


1.Ever since I met you.. A part of you grew into me na parang ewan.. heheheh, like you were my mirror image and its scary at times. But I think I like having a little bit of you in me....

2.I am amazed at your courage and at your quiet unspoken understanding of the situations
and the people around you. Although laging may tsismosa image pa din kahit papano...

3.It has been a difficult year for you.  But not quite as difficult as the one before.
 You have truly grown this year and with that Im so proud of you.  You have discovered the part of you na di mo akalain na kaya mo and pushed through love despite the struggle.

4.You’ve learned to cook beautiful restaurant-quality meals, and how to fly to the other side of the world on your own.

5.My birthday wish for you is that you find happiness in the little things and that you forever have the strength to deal with whatever obstacles may come while knowing we are always here to help and support you.

6.Gusto ko din malaman mo that we are your home.  For the rest of your life,
wherever we are, is where you belong (parang GMA lang)hehehhehe.  Our family is complete because of you. Lucky doesn’t even begin to describe it neng.....

7.My life is happier because of you.  My heart is fuller because of you. 
I am a better person because of you.  Whatever impact I may have on your life,
you continue to have just as big an impact on mine and on the little lives you touched.

8.I can’t wait to see you chasing that wedding dream again,  and the impossibilities you’ll conquer.

9. Learn how to be  a keeper of memories and the maker of many more.

10. Sana you can  try to understand even if it doesnt make sense minsan...
Wat am trying to tell u is, , just as i always tell you, u cant live yesterday or tomorrow,
so enjoy today as much as all is happening. Wag na masyado mag overthink

11.Making the best of every situation you are dealt with is all you can do.  You can't predict what each day will bring so you have to make the best of your today and appreciate everything you have been given.  This is not always and easy thing to do because there are times when you feel down and say why you, but we always find a way through it.  Stay strong and remember to cherish everyone and everything around you !

12. The relationship between a man and a woman is not something that can be solved by working your brain. Ikaw na bahala mag decipher nyan... hehhehehe

13.Do your best with your way for your life now. The result? Just wait and you'll figure it out

14.Sa bday mo Don't be sad neng coz  a truck of happiness will come to change your sadness :) trust me


We know that you always wanted someone to love you. You wanted someone to  care about you. But the problem is you finding the right person to love and have them appreciate and enjoy your love. But you see, God's love is free and this love is like no other love you could ever experience in your life because it is whole. There is nothing lacking in the love that God can give you. Do not ever believe that you can live without love because you cannot. You cannot count on the people around you to give you that love either but you can count on God. He is always there and He never changes.

Your mistake was starting off in such a hurry. This seems to be the popular thing to do these days. You think "Well you like him and he likes you. Maybe you were in love. But you end up skipping over the part where you are really good friends. This was what was missing in your relationship with him.. and  You can truly mess up your emotions by getting involved when you are not yet ready.
Love has roots in friendship. In true love, you love the total person. You enjoy being with that person sharing things with them. Real love is unselfish. It sacrifices for the one it loves. And it carries with it the vital quality of commitment It doesn't give up or quit when problems come along. Real love will bring out the best in you. You want the one you love to be proud of you. If you are just infatuated with someone, you may "laze" around and daydream, but if your love is real, you apply yourself to your work, you make plans, and you prepare for the future. Real love is not just a wonderful feeling that strikes you suddenly. It takes time to grow and develop. You don't "fall" into real love---you grow into it. You have to know a person before you can love that person with real love. And you cannot genuinely love a person whom you do not really know.

So my advise for you on your bday  go back to the basics in what a relationship is all about and you will see that you have friendship first, secondly if you are both Christians, and out of that grows a love. And God helps maintain that love. From there you go to dating and being serious and then later getting married.

happy birthday!!!!


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